Greetings from my half clean bedroom floor!
I was scrambling around to clean up before a busy Saturday tomorrow and I had the sudden urge to blog. And then I thought maybe I should finish cleaning first. But then I realized that's why I never ever blog enough. 
I just don't give it priority. 
So, when ever I have to urge to speak, I shall try my very best to drop everything and share. 

Today in Caring & Guiding Young Children, we talked about family dynamics- among other things. I learned a lot about myself. It was strange to share about my childhood and see how much it lined up with what a piece of paper said. The weirdest thing I think to learn was that I am much more achievement oriented than I would like to admit. I have always wanted to be known for being good at relationships- but I think I am "good" at wanting to be accepted and affirmed in relationships.
And in reality I struggle with relationships. 
But I am good at getting things done and being responsible. And I feel good and safe when I am in control and in charge. When I can achieve something. Fix something. And for the longest time, someone. 
Because...I feel good when I do something right. So if I can make someone else better. That's doing right by them. That's loving them. 

But that's wrong, actually. 
I can't fix people. As much as I want to try. 

Perhaps this doesn't sound like rocket science to you, but it was like a thunderstorm to me. Suddenly and out of no where, a wash of memories poured over my mind like the rain. A low distant rumbling of understanding, followed by a flash of realization. 
Love doesn't have expectations, goals, needs or rules. 
Love doesn't happen in the brain, in words or in intentions. 
Because we're broken. 
I am broken. The person I want to love is broken. 
And that's okay. What makes it okay is that love is still there, when all of that fades away. The things you thought would happen in your life don't- but love is still there. The goals you had for yourself get lost in reality- but love can still be there. Needs change and can't be filled by another human. Only God is enough. Rules are bent and broken. But love- it's still there. The brain thinks too much and doesn't love enough, words are deceiving and fleeting and intentions are selfish and messed up and broken. 
But love. 
The only thing that makes love stay is loyalty. Fidelity. Not things working out, not feelings, not situations, not happiness, or the past or hopes. Everything else will eventually fall away, but if two people can agree to just stay with each other no matter what- then love will be there. 

I sort of don't want to publish this. Because it's literally just what ever comes to my mind. Just brain to finger tips. And because it's rather vulnerable. And some of the thoughts are silly. They show my young age. My weaknesses.
But I have a lot on my heart. I did four hours of research on the effects of divorce on preschoolers and it broke my heart. I sat there, next to someone who went through that and remembered all the others in my life who suffered through that heartache and it took every piece of me not to break into tears. 
I cry easily these days though. I think that's for two reasons:
I am embracing who I am- a deeply emotional creature, who cares about a lot, all the time. SO WHAT. 
And I am strong enough to face those emotions. To cry when I hurt and to be angry when I am and to say what's on my heart. Same reason I'll post this. 
I don't have any more time for being anything less than who I am. I am twenty years old and I feel like I have just started living my life as me. 

I guess I am also beginning to understand why this whole relationship thing is so difficult. I wish a person could only love once and that there was no way to get out of it and that no one ever hurt anyone. I know that's a silly thing to even think of- but it doesn't change the fact that I look at all the destroyed marriages and friendships and the people who sleep around and play with peoples hearts and all of the hurt and just...hate it. 
I have high hopes for love
...that scares me. 
High hopes, long down fall. 

Past me would have worried this would be too long and the few people who read it would be bored by the length, etc etc.
But this me thinks instead, "I have things to say, and I control this space. So all will be said and that's how it's going."
I am tired of being defined by my need to feel accepted. Especially because I am accepted. By God. By the being who made everything and me. 

So there you go. I learned a lot about who I am and who I have been and who I am growing into. Created for love, broken due to a lack of love and sanctified for love again. 

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Today I woke up with much on my heart and mind. I have my first midterm, I had an evaluation, I was so tired, a friend has a crisis, Dad is sick, my future is up in the air and all these other things were going on...
I didn't feel like journalling or even really praying (gasp), so I just opened up my Bible. I was comforted and renewed by this:

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?"

Ps. 77: 11-13 

Instead of focusing on how things don't seem to be working on right here and now, I will remember all of the ways that God has been so good in my life. And even a moment of thinking about that gives me joy and peace. 
God is good, world. He is so good! 

Well hello Friday! An early Friday at that; usually I'd be in class until noon, but today I get a big old homework assignment to do instead. 
Any ways.
I just have some things I want to say about...things.  

Firstly, I think I will stick with this blog site. I like it. It's different. And with that, I think I will publish it...also known as sharing it with the people who I know enjoy blogs. If you're one of those people... Hi! Welcome to iisabellaanne 2.0 

Secondly, the idea of "time management" and "scheduling". It has been my ultimate nemesis these past two weeks. My room looks like a bomb went off and I have piles of unfinished projects and reading and homework and chores to do. Most excellent. (Not) But I am going to turn that around starting right now. And what is a better way to do that than challenge myself? For the rest of this month I am going to post every day. 

But why is that a challenge? Well because if I don't finish homework etc, the blog gets no time. So by giving myself this challenge I have the obstacles of everything else to wade my way through. Huzzah! 

And thirdly for Lent I have decided to give up being negative and instead have a positive perspective. Lent is an awesome thing, but people often forget to not just take something out, but to replace it with something better. And in being more positive I hope to change how I handle situations. 

Lastly, in conjunction with more blog, sharing the blog and positivity I am going to put more effort into daily planning. Instead of the day happening to me, I want to happen to the day. In a sense, take the morning or even the evening before and sit down with an agenda and really prepare myself for each day. I already do this in a small sense, but to do it more intentionally and with more purpose is my goal. 

I suppose my goal with all these things is to start moving. I like to have a direction in life, a place to work towards, but I don't really have that right now. I am very uncertain where I will be in September. So instead I am going to make my goal today. 
Today I want to organize my room, my heart, my calendar and my mindset. Put everything in it's proper place and from that secure setting be able to relax and breath and live and experience. 

Later tonight I am going to share my "Inspiration Board" with you. Tomorrow will be notes from a possible "Talk" I am going to or if that doesn't work I'll do my "febphotoaday" picture round up. 

I say that to keep myself accountable. It's out there in the universe and I will feel bad if I don't keep up my side of the deal. ;) 

What are some ways that you keep yourself organized? What are you doing for Lent (if you celebrate that)? 

Have an amazing weekend!

"When something bad happens, you have three choices. 
You can either let it define you...
Or you can let it destroy you...
Or you can let it strengthen you. " - Unknown
I find myself in a completely new chapter of my life. I am no longer a teenager. And I am on a journey to become the young woman God created me to be. Let me explain this a little.
 I am the kind of person who can disappear into something I love easily. Last year that was a boy. Like many girls I (unconsciously) thought love looked a bit like a Disney movie. There was a Prince. And he solved almost all your problems. 
And when that didn't turn out to be true I realized that I had put my relationship with this extremely awesome person on a pedestal. And how that was going became how I was doing. And when it was gone, so was I. That is no way to love anyone. Not good for me, and not good for the other person either. 
Don't get me wrong- I had some of the best days of my life last year. I have learned so much about my self and life from it. It was an absolute joy and privilege to be a part of this persons' life. I have nothing but respect and fond memories for the whole thing. Well, that's a lie. 
I have a lot of good lessons learned too. 
For example: The fact that defines me most is that I am a daughter of God. It took a year for me to realize I need nothing more to feel complete and purposeful. Relationships and love and kisses and all of that are a great bonus for life- but not the end all and be all. 
And that is where I am at in life right now. Optimistically looking forward and fondly putting memories away. And that is how I am seeing this ending and a new beginning. 
I am reminded of the verse in Lamentations chapter 3:
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

With all of that said, I hope to talk a lot about the things that God continues to teach me this year. So far there are two big themes He seems to constantly bring up: community and creativity
I'll share more about that in future posts. 

Have a blessed weekend!
<3 iisabellaanne